What is the Women's Adventure Giveaway?
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
The Women's Adventure Giveaway is a nomination-based scholarship program for individuals to participate in a backcountry wilderness adventure, trying new activities, stepping outside their comfort zones and building confidence through the great outdoors.
Participants are disconnected from technology, live off the grid by camping or backpacking in remote locations with little to no modern amenities. Special guests come in to assist in facilitating in different activities. The wilderness adventure includes education of outdoor recreation including how to build a fire, filter water, read a map, hang food, and education on specific facilitated activities such as mountain biking skills, safety, trail etiquette, etc.
Live Adventurously is named after the award-winning film based off of the 2015 Women's Adventure Giveaway program created and founded by Danielle and Kate Nolan, owners of outdoor adventure company, DNK Presents, acquired in 2023 by Hoosier Adventure. See the trailer below and learn more about the film on this website.
Women's Adventure Giveaway Details
Do you know a woman who has overcame an obstacle in her life? Has experienced a health challenge, trauma or suffered loss? Do you know a woman who goes above and beyond for her family, work or community but never takes the time to give back to herself? We are looking for any and all of those women! The winners of the Women's Adventure Giveaway get to disconnect from technology for 4 days, go into the wilderness, try new activities while being guided by some of the best, most fun guides around i.e. Danielle and Kate and other special guests as well! The 4 days is a chance for these women to rediscover their highest potential, rebuild confidence and empowerment through outdoor experiences. If you know someone who would benefit from a weekend like this nominate her for her chance to win 4 days in the wilderness as well as over $1,500.00 worth of free outdoor gear from some of our amazing sponsors.
How it works
Nominate a woman you feel could use an adventure in her life. Be sure to explain why she deserves to win, what does she do or what life experience has she encountered that would make her a good candidate to win this empowering adventure.
Nominations must describe details of why the nominee is deserving of a winning a wilderness adventure along with free outdoor gear. Consider the questions below when writing your nomination.
Why does this person deserve to win, what have they undergone most recently or in their lifetime to be in need of an outdoor excursion, has this person overcome an obstacle in her life, has she been through a catastrophic event(s), has COVID-19 impacted her life, how has she gone above and beyond in her personal or professional life, and/or why this person would not otherwise be able to or have the means to participate in a wilderness adventure?
After you nominate we (Danielle and Kate) review your nominations as well as our Selection Committee, which comprises of a diverse group of people from across the country and Canada who diligently reads through the entries and provides feedback on their selections to advance. We review the feedback and get a list of semi-finalists whom we reach out to for phone or in person interviews. After interviews are completed we review again with our Selection Committee and choose the finalists. Behold the winners are selected and announced.
Requirements for nominees:
-Must be able to carry at least 35 pounds on their back
-Can ride a bicycle (basic)
-Be willing to give up their phone/technology
-Opening to living in the woods with little to no modern amenities
-Have an adventurous spirit and willingness to try new things
-Open to video and photos taken before and during the adventure trip for documentation and use in marketing and promotional materials of the Giveaway
-Available for the adventure weekend (TBA)
-Must provide transportation for themselves to and from the adventure weekend taking place (TBA)
Interested in having a Giveaway in your area? Contact us for more information.
Become a sponsor for a woman to win a life changing wilderness adventure!
The winners will win an outdoor backcountry adventure weekend guided by Danielle and Kate Nolan (plus other special guests), including over $1,500.00 in free gear and swag to take on their next adventure. Check out the video to get a glimpse of what you can expect on this great adventure. Contact us at liveadventurously2020@gmail.com if you have any questions.
How It All Started
The Women's Adventure Giveaway and the non-profit Live Adventurously was founded by Danielle and Kate Nolan, also the founders of outdoor adventure company, DNK Presents (now Hoosier Adventure). In 2014 we started DNK Presents and early on saw the women on our trips having breakthrough or "ah ha" moments, many times it was the women who at the start of the adventure were second guessing themselves and never thought of they would do anything like this (insert backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing, etc.). We knew we wanted to offer a give back to the community to get more women back outside reconnecting with nature but also knew there were so many women we wanted to reach that we might not even be on their radar.
In 2015 we began working on offering a free adventure to under represented and deserving women, back then it was called The Women's Adventure Contest, and planned to open the first adventure weekend in 2016. We decided to make the adventure a nomination based program because we know that sometimes the women who need something the most won't sign themselves up or think they are deserving.
We also decided it wasn't enough just do an adventure weekend for the winners but that we wanted to document the experience to show the world how impactful stepping outside your comfort zone, trying something new, disconnecting from technology and being in the great outdoors can do for a person. Through some fundraising and mostly bootstrapping we were able to get the funds to be able to produce a 35 minute documentary film called, "Live Adventurously". The title of course later became the inspiration for the name of our now non-profit.
That's mostly how it all began! We've offered a free Adventure Giveaway to four women since 2016. Due to COVID-19 we were not able to complete the Giveaway but are stoked for offering the trip to 8 women in 2021. You can nominate a woman June 1-30th for the 2021 Season on this page.
We want to get more everyday women out of their comfort zones, experiencing new things, challenging themselves mentally and physically, and living life adventurously. When you do these things you gain confidence, over come barriers, increase problem solving skills, improve relationships, increase productivity and creativity, improve mental, physical and emotional health and wellness as well as many other benefits. We want to get women OUTSIDE to show them what the outdoors and adventure has to offer and reintroduce them to adventure in their life. If you want to learn more or join this movement contact us to see how you can get involved!
Why Make a Film?
Why are there so few outdoor adventure films featuring women? If we aren't seeing women on screen or in real life experiencing these trips then it is harder for some of us to image that we can do it. Alison Hudson talks about this in her article, "WHERE ARE WOMEN IN OUTDOOR FILMS? A LOOK AT HOW BANFF MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WANTS TO CHANGE THE STATUS QUO" read more here. We want to see every day women, your mom, sister, aunt, neighbor, teacher, friend experiencing life! With this film we are be able to show everyday women women living in Indiana living life adventurously, taking risks, and empowering themselves with new adventure experiences! This film proves that women belong in the wild, we are strong, confident and why trying something for the first time is so important.
You can read more about the why behind "Live Adventurously" in Danielle's article on Thrive Global here.